52 projects with a total budget of over 48 million PLN will be carried out by researchers from all over the world. They will move to Poland under the POLONEZ BIS 2 call.
153 proposals were submitted in the recently concluded second call under POLONEZ BIS programme. Following the eligibility check and evaluation by international experts and reviewers, 52 projects were recommended for funding. The call’s success rate is 34%. NCN will fund 21 (40%) projects in science and technology, 18 (35%) in humanities and social sciences and 13 (25%) in life sciences.
Scientists awarded under the POLONEZ BIS 2 call will move to Poland from all continents, from countries such as India, Germany, Ukraine, New Zealand, China, USA, Brazil, Morocco and Ethiopia. The National Science Centre and the European Commission have committed a total of 48,2 million PLN to fund projects in this call.
Decisions sent
Decisions for the POLONEZ BIS 2 proposals after the second stage of evaluation were sent out on 6 December 2022.
Please note that decisions of the Director of the National Science Centre are served in the form of an electronic document sent to the e-mail address provided by the applicant in the proposal or their Electronic Correspondence Delivery Box (ESP ePUAP) address if it was specified.
Information was sent from the address: ncn.wnioski@ncn.gov.pl. and contains a link to download the decision of the Director of the National Science Centre.
We would like to remind those of you who have not been successful in this call that the last POLONEZ BIS call 3 for research proposals is closing on 15 December 2022. In case you would like to apply again, before you submit your new proposal you have to waive your right to lodge an appeal against the negative decision in POLONEZ BIS 2. To do so you should send NCN an official declaration that includes the following statement:
“Pursuant to Article 127a of the Act of 14 June 1960 Code of Administrative Proceedings (consolidated text Journal of Laws of 2021, item 735, as amended), I hereby waive my right to lodge an appeal against the NCN decision no. [copy the number in the header of your decision].
I understand that the decision no. [copy the number in the header of your decision] shall become final and legally binding on the date this declaration has been served to NCN.”