
What is the impact of new technologies on teaching and learning chemistry?

Virtual reality goggles, applications, tablets or maybe traditional 3D models – which learning method is the most effective? Check out the second in a series of videos about our Fellows’ projects.

Dr Mária Babinčáková has invited 600 students from Krakow to take part in her study comparing different learning methods. She strives to understand how to effectively use new technologies in teaching chemistry and other school subjects. – We would like to find if those technologies if they don’t cause cognitive overload – says Dr Babinčáková, POLONEZ BIS Fellow at Faculty of Chemistry Jagiellonian University. – Our results could be helpful for those who create educational programmes. When we see that some material can be learned faster, for example in virtual reality, that is very beneficial for us.

Check out a short documentary: What is the impact of new technologies on teaching and learning chemistry?

This is the second in a series of videos about research projects conducted in Poland by foreign scientists under the POLONEZ BIS programme.