
Researcher: Debbichi Mourad

Information about Researcher Debbichi Mourad


First nameDebbichi
Last nameMourad
Academic titleDr
OrganisationUniversity of Monastir -Tunisia
Thematic area/fieldST – Physical Sciences and Engineering / ST3 Condensed matter physics
Key words


Short summary of activities and expertiseMain research topics: Magnetism: Predict the magnetic structure of surfaces and interfaces from first principles using the state-of-the- art density functional theory. Ions Batteries: simulation of electrochemical properties of Li/Na cathode/anode ions batteries by using DFT method and ab initio molecular dynamics. -Prediction of new magnetic bidimensional materials by using CALYPSO + Quantum Espresso packages. -Electronic and magnetic properties of magnetic materials by combining DFT and Monte-Carlo simulation.
Relevant publications and/or research/innovation productshttps://scholar.google.fr/citations?user=lffj7AsAAAAJ&hl=fr
Other relevant achievements
Preferred Host Institution type Research centre
Additional information


Email mourad.debbichi@fsm.rnu.tn
Phone number