
Researcher: Josimar Mendes

Information about Researcher Josimar Mendes


First nameJosimar
Last nameMendes
Academic titlePhD
OrganisationUniversity of Brasília
Thematic area/fieldHS – Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences / HS6 Human nature and human society
Key wordsFamilies; Decision-making; Child's best interests; Gender issues; COVID-19


Short summary of activities and expertiseI am a psychologist that has been working in the 'Family & Divorce' field for the last ten years. Since my undergraduate studies, I have been working and studying families going through divorce and child custody cases. My career and publications relate to divorce and family development, divorce and family crisis, divorce and child custody cases, and legal actors' practice in such cases. My doctoral studies regarded the decision-making process and uncertainty in child custody cases after parental separation. It was a cross-cultural study comparing Brazil and England. I have experience with teaching in Brazil and the UK in modules addressing crisis intervention, forensic psychology, crisis intervention, systemic family and couple therapy, family and child development. I also have a large experience with qualitative research, which is one of my passions. In my current post-doctoral position, I am working on a project that is developing an online tool ('chat-story') aimed to enhance young people's agency and sense of responsibility towards mental health. At Polonez Bis, I will be interested in developing a project addressing families (going through a divorce or not), child's best interests, decision-making, child custody cases, gender issues/biases and justice system and psychosocial impacts of COVID-19 pandemic
Relevant publications and/or research/innovation productsMendes, J. A. A., & Ormerod, T. (2022). Uncertainty in child custody cases after parental separation: context and decision-making process [Unpublished manuscript]. School of Psychology, University of Sussex. [in English; being peer-reviewed]. Mendes, J. A. A., & Ormerod, T. (2022). Making sense out of uncertainty: cognitive strategies in child custody decision-making process. [Unpublished manuscript]. School of Psychology, University of Sussex. Mendes, J. A. A., Fukuda, C., & Souza, J. A. G. (2022). The impact of the pandemic on keeping contacts with children of divorced parents [Unpublished manuscript]. School of Psychology, University of Sussex. [manuscript in Portuguese; it will be submitted for publication soon] Mendes, J. A. A., Melo, G. V. L. R., & Almeida, M. P. (in press). Divorced parents’ perceptions of child custody and contacts during the pandemic. Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa [manuscript in Portuguese]. Mendes, J. A. A., & Ormerod, T. (2021). A comparative look at divorce, laws and the best interests of the child in Brazil and England. UFPR Law School Review. Mendes, J. A. A., Almeida, M. P., & Melo, G. V. L. R. (2021). Parental ‘affective abandonment’: a critical, narrative-systematic review of psycho-legal literature in Portuguese. Psicologia Argumento. [in Portuguese] Barbosa, L. P. G, Mendes, J. A. A., & Juras, M. M. (2021). Dysfunctional dynamics in child custody cases and allegations of parental alienation: a systemic approach. Nova Perspectiva Sistêmica, 30(69), 6-18. [published in Portuguese] Maciel, S. B., Mendes, J. A. A., & Barbosa, L. P. G. (2021). A systemic approach to parental alienation assumptions and clinical practice with individuals and families. Nova Perspectiva Sistêmica, 30(69), 19-31. [published in Portuguese] Mendes, J. A. A., & Ormerod, T. (2019). The best interests of the child: an integrative review of English and Portuguese literatures. Psicologia em Estudo, 24. [published in English and Portuguese]
Other relevant achievements
Preferred Host Institution type Public, Private, Academic, Research centre
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Email josimards@gmail.com
Phone number+5561984694852