
Researcher: Rajath Krishna Radhakrishnan

Information about Researcher Rajath Krishna Radhakrishnan


First nameRajath Krishna
Last nameRadhakrishnan
Academic titlePhD Student
OrganisationQueen Mary University of London
Thematic area/fieldST – Physical Sciences and Engineering / ST2 Fundamental constituents of matter
Key wordsQuantum Field Theory; Symmetries; Defects; Category Theory


Short summary of activities and expertiseQuantum field theory (QFTs) is a highly successful and versatile framework for describing various physical phenomena including the fundamental forces of nature and condensed matter systems. QFTs have also played a crucial role in various mathematical developments on knot and manifold invariants. My research interest is mainly focused on understanding the structure of extended operators in quantum field theory. In particular, I am interested in studying topological operators in a QFT. One of my major motivations to understand topological operators is their role in describing symmetries and anomalies of QFTs. In its most general form, symmetries of QFTs are described by topological operators. Given a QFT, finding its symmetries amount to finding the allowed topological operators supported on manifolds of various codimensions. The algebraic structure of these operators is captured by higher fusion categories. Topological quantum field theories (TQFTs) are simple and yet rich QFTs in which all operators are topological. My recent research work is on 2+1D TQFTs and their algebraic description in terms of modular tensor categories (MTCs). MTCs describe the structure of line operators in a 2+1D TQFT. My collaborators and I explored the existence and consequences of non-abelian line operators whose fusion gives a unique outcome. We also studied the physical properties of certain natural maps between TQFTs called Galois conjugation. The structure of topological operators in a TQFT is well studied in low dimensions. Moreover, symmetries of general QFTs described by fusion categories are understood in 1+1D. I would like to extend this analysis to higher dimensions.
Relevant publications and/or research/innovation productsMy full list of publications can be found at the link provided above. Publications relevant to this project include 1. Matthew Buican, and Rajath Radhakrishnan, "Galois Orbits of TQFTs: Symmetries and Unitarity", Preprint: arXiv:2109.02766 [hep-th]. Submitted for publication to J. High Energ. Phys. 2. Matthew Buican, Linfeng Li and Rajath Radhakrishnan, "a x b=c in 2+1D TQFT", Quantum 5, 468 (2021). Preprint: arXiv:2012.14689 [hep-th]. 3. Matthew Buican, Linfeng Li and Rajath Radhakrishnan, "Non-Abelian Anyons and Some Cousins of the Arad-Herzog Conjecture", J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 54 505402. Preprint: arXiv:2012.03394 [hep-th]. 4. Matthew Buican and Rajath Radhakrishnan, "Galois Conjugation and Multiboundary Entanglement Entropy", J. High Energ. Phys., 45 (2020). Preprint: arXiv:1912.04937 [hep-th].
Other relevant achievements1. Royal Society PhD Studentship at Queen Mary University of London. 2018-2022. 2. Winter Research Fellow at TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences, Hyderabad, India. 2016. 3. Summer Research Fellow at Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, India. 2016
Preferred Host Institution type Public, Private, Academic, Research centre
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Email r.k.radhakrishnan@qmul.ac.uk
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