
Researcher: Magdalena Kempa

Information about Researcher Magdalena Kempa


First nameMagdalena
Last nameKempa
Academic titlePh.D
Thematic area/fieldST – Physical Sciences and Engineering / ST10 Earth sciences
Key wordsnumerical modeling, water research, etc


Short summary of activities and expertiseMy name is Magdalena Kempa and I’m 45 years old. I graduated with a master’s degree in environmental science and processing engineering in 2000 and in 2006, received my PH. D at the Technical University of Lodz in the field of the numerical modeling of oil spill spreading in the Baltic Sea. After I have obtained the EU Marie Curie post-doctoral Internship at IUEM in Brest (France) where I got experience in the bio-ecological modeling and focused on modeling of pelagic and benthic systems with usage of MIKE software. I focused on the development and application of numerical models to support the field experiments, ocean observations, and the impact of the physical environment on ecosystem functioning. Also, I am an experienced user of MIKE 21, GEOSYS, FEMSYS, and GEMSS modeling software. Additionally, In 2017 I upgraded her education in the field of hydrology and hydrogeology and is familial with flood models, HEC RAS and HEC HS, and MODFLOW model for groundwater systems.
Relevant publications and/or research/innovation products>>>Relevant publications and technical reports<<< 1) Modelling and monitoring of hydrodynamics and surface water quality in the Sulejow dam reservoir, Authors: Aleksandra Ziemińska-Stolarska and Magdalena Kempa 2020 Journal: Water. Manuscript ID: water-1056701. 2) GEMSS Hydrodynamic Modeling Approach to Assess the Risk of Microbial Contamination of Recreational Water after Heavy Rainfall Event". FE Eregno, T Tjomsland, M Kempa, A Heistad, I Tryland Open Water Journal 3 (1), 2019 3) "Hydrodynamic modelling of recreational water quality using Escherichia coli as an indicator of microbial contamination ".F,E Eregno, I Tryland, T Tjomsland, M Kempa, A Heistad, Journal of Hydrology 561,179-186 4)“Pelagic benthic coupling and the seasonal Silica circle in the bay of Brest (France): New insights from a coupled physical and biochemical model” Laurelle G.G, , Regnier P, Ragueneau O, Kempa M, Moriceau B, Ni Longphuirt S, Leynaert A, Thouzeau G, Chauvaud L. (Submitted to Marine Ecology Progress Series) 5)"Increased spreading potential of the invasive Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) at its northern distribution limit in Europe due to warmer climate". Eli Rinde, T TjomslandA , D Ø. Hjermann, M Kempa, P Norling and Venkat S. Marine and Freshwater Research. Published online 8 April 2016. <<
Other relevant achievements>>>Experience of working in interdisciplinary research projects During my professional life, I was involved in the man national and international projects. I was mostly working on the numerical modeling of hydrodynamic, water quality, sediment transport but also, I was performing the field measurements and managing some of these projects. I had the pleasure to work on various types of international projects (research and industrial ones).On the other hand, I got strong experience working in various countries and cultures. >>>Good track record or potential for raising external research funds<<<< During the last 12 years, I worked quite a lot on writing the national and international project proposals which were financed under various programs such ERA-NET, MARTEC, HORIZON 2020, or Norwegian grants. I managed to write several successful offers and proposals which were selected for funding (EEA WIND TU PLA, EEA MONSUL, EEA MPSS, and others).
Preferred Host Institution type Public, Private, Academic, Non-academic, Research centre, Enterprise, Non-governmental organisation (NGO)
Additional informationI focus on numerical modeling hydrodynamic (water currents and waves), sediment and mining disposal transport, water quality (E.coli, pathogens, algae's and nutrients), oil spill spreading with the use of the 3D GEMSS model (Generalized Environmental Modeling System for Surface waters. I worked also quite a lot in modeling intake and outtake for the drinking water facilities, studying and modeling of the sewage release from the accidental releases (as destroyed sewage pipes), modeling the bathing quality in the freshwater reservoirs (lakes or artificial reservoirs), and sea (fjords and Baltic Sea). I was involved in several national and international research projects where the 3D GEMSS model was applied for studying the hydrodynamic circulation, water quality, sediment transport, or oil spill spreading.


Email mbkempa@gazeta.pl
Phone number721566680