
Researcher: Mohamed AIT MLOUK

Information about Researcher Mohamed AIT MLOUK


First nameMohamed
Last nameAIT MLOUK
Academic titleP.h.D
OrganisationCadi Ayyad University
Thematic area/fieldST – Physical Sciences and Engineering / ST10 Earth sciences
Key wordsGeodiversity, Geological hazards, GIS & Remote Sensing, Environmental change.


Short summary of activities and expertiseMy research activities, as a PhD researcher at Cadi Ayyad University, are mainly oriented toward fluvial systems, Geological hazards (e.g. river bank degradation, soil erosion, landslides, and floods) using and an interdisciplinary approach based on geodiversity analysis, remote sensing, and GIS tools.
Relevant publications and/or research/innovation productsMy publications are listed on my profile on ResearchGate accessible through the link below: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mohamed-Ait-Mlouk
Other relevant achievementsReviewer experience: ◘ Article reviewed: «Predicting vulnerable sites and causative factors of bank erosion in river Ganga (Malda, India) using remote sensing and statistical modeling approach. » ◘ Journal : Arabian Journal Of Geosciences
Preferred Host Institution type Public, Private, Academic, Research centre, Enterprise
Additional informationI have Ph.D. degree at Cadi Ayyad University in Geoscience and environment, with strong communication skills, developed from extensive research projects and from participating in several international scientific events. My previous roles as a Ph.D. researcher have strengthened my reporting and student tutoring abilities, besides critical thinking. With the ability to teach undergraduate students, bachelor, and master students, and the capability to supervise Ph.D. students. I have a well-rounded background in natural hazards and environmental science. I have refined excellent skills in GIS and remote sensing tools. Ability to work independently or as part of a team. Besides my experience listed in the " activities and expertise section," I am open to new experiences in environmental change and earth sciences, basically. This will allow me to gain new skills and new networking opportunities in the scientific research context.


Email m.aitmlouk@gmail.com
Phone number+212654177812