
Researcher: Basia Lipert

Information about Researcher Basia Lipert


First nameBasia
Last nameLipert
CountryNew Zealand
Academic titlePhD
OrganisationUniversity of Auckland
Thematic area/fieldNZ – Life Sciences / NZ2 Genetics, genomics
Key wordsfunctional genomics, biomarkers, antibody-drug conjugates, DNA damage


Short summary of activities and expertiseIn my PhD research, I investigated an RNase Regnase-1 in the context of inflammation, cell differentiation and carcinogenesis. Focus of my current studies is on cancer therapy and biology. I use CRISPR/Cas9 functional genetic screens to find predictive biomarkers for precision medicine treatment of breast and head and neck cancer. In particular, I investigate sensitivity genes to HER2-targeting T-DM1 agent and to DNA-damaging drugs.
Relevant publications and/or research/innovation productsHunter FW, Barker HR, LIPERT B, Rothé F, Gebhart G, Piccart-Gebhart MJ, Sotiriou Ch, Jamieson SMF. (2020) Mechanisms of resistance to trastuzumab emtansine (T-DM1) in HER2-positive breast cancer. British Journal of Cancer, 122(5):603-612. IF 5.5 __________________ Hunter FW, LIPERT B, Siemens KN, Khan A, Barker HR, Ketela TW, Wilson WR, Lee TW, Jamieson SMF. Identification of TSC1 and TSC2 as potential determinants of sensitivity to trastuzumab emtansine. American Association for Cancer Research, online presentation 5853, 2020. (Abstract) __________________ Hay MP, Way WW, Dickson BD, LIPERT B, Lee TW, Wilson WR. Hypoxia activated prodrugs of DNA-PK inhibitors as radiosensitisers. 64th Annual Radiation Research Society Meeting, Chicago, USA, 2018. (Abstract)
Other relevant achievements
Preferred Host Institution type Academic, Research centre
Additional information


Email basia.lipert@gmail.com
Phone number