
Researcher: Sefer Darıcı

Information about Researcher Sefer Darıcı


First nameSefer
Last nameDarıcı
Academic titleDr.
OrganisationCumhuriyet University
Thematic area/fieldHS – Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences / HS4 Individuals, institutions, markets
Key wordsbehavioral insight; behavioral policies; persuasion; media; consumer welfare


Short summary of activities and expertiseI work especially on subconscious factors that affect human decisions. In this context, I focus on the creation of persuasive content on the presentation of behavioral policies, consumer welfare, and choice architecture. I am researching the effects of subconscious stimuli that people are not aware of by measuring them with psychophysiological techniques in the context of choice architecture. In this context, I would like to contribute to the emergence of good practices that can help develop policies on Behavioral Insight by conducting research in Poland.
Relevant publications and/or research/innovation products1) (Edited by Sefer DARICI – Ayşe Meriç YAZICI) CORONALOGY: Multidisciplinary Academic Analysis in Perspective of Covid-19, De Gruyter/ Sciendo, ISBN: 978-83-66675-15-5, 2020. 2) (Edited by Sefer DARICI) CONSUMER (from a communication, marketing and advertising perspective), De Gruyter/ Sciendo, ISBN: 978-83-66675-23-0, 2020. 3) Darıcı, Sefer & Çetinkaya, Aysel. “Shockvertising”, Wizart Edutainment, 1st Edition, January 2021. 4) Darıcı, Sefer. “Subliminal Occupation”, Destek Publishing, 24th Edition, November, 2012. 5) Darıcı, S. (2020). “Introduction to Subliminal Advertising: Understanding The Consciousness and Subliminal”, Social Science Development Journal, ISSN: 2630-6212, 5 (19): 34-43, DOI: 10.31567/ssd.234 6) Darıcı, S. (2020). “What are the Crisis Scenarios? Turkey-USA Comparative Analysis and Communication Oriented Model Proposal for a Crisis Scenario”, Turkish Studies, 15(4): 277-294, DOI: 10.7827/TurkishStudies.44283 7) Kırık, A. M., Var, S. S. A., Özkoçak, V., Darıcı, S. (2020). “Communication and Perception Management in Pandemia Periods: The Case of New Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19)”, The Journal of Academic Social Science, ISSN: 2148-2489, 8(104): 36-57, DOI: 10.29228/ASOS.43249 8) Darıcı, S. & Özkoçak, V. (2020). “ A New Concept in the Context of Popular Culture, Forensic Sciences and Film series: Fictional Attribution”, Turkish Studies - Social, 15(2), 127-144, DOI: 10.29228/TurkishStudies.40605 9) Şenel, S. A. & Darıcı, S. (2018). “A Discussion of the Use of Psychophysiological Techniques in the Forensic Accounting Field and in the Detection of Crime: A Different View on the Concept of Neuroaccounting”, The Journal of Academic Social Science, ISSN: 2148-2489, 6(67):381-391, DOI: 10.16992/ASOS.13487 10) Darıcı, S., (2015). “A Study To Find Out The Effects Of Subliminal Messages Using In Digital Games On Perception Of Reality: The Concept Of Threshold Of Reality”, TURKISH STUDIES
Other relevant achievementsAsst. Prof. Dr. Sefer Darıcı is one of Turkey's well-known writers. He has worked as a journalist for many years in newspapers and TV channels in Turkey. He has been working as an academic for about ten years. He is the head of the Marketing and Advertising Department at Sivas Cumhuriyet University. He has eight books written in total published by national and international publishing houses. One of Darıcı's book that "Subliminal Occupation" is the bestseller in Turkey. Besides, he has written scripts, articles, and newspaper columns. Sefer Darıcı's doctoral thesis was awarded by the Ministry of Commerce of the Republic of Turkey with a "Scientific Study Award" in 2020. Darıcı is currently the head of the Perception Research Center which he founded.
Preferred Host Institution type Academic, Research centre
Additional informationhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=kNkInCsAAAAJ&hl=tr&oi=ao


Email sdarici@cumhuriyet.edu.tr
Phone number+9005326334483