
Hosting Offer: Cracow University of Technology; Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology; Laboratory of Photochemistry and Optical Spectroscopy

Information about Hosting Offer


RoleHosting Offer
OrganisationCracow University of Technology; Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology; Laboratory of Photochemistry and Optical Spectroscopy
Organisation typePublic, Academic
HR Excellence in Research Award from the European Commissionyes
National evaluation categoryA (very good)
Faculty / Dept. / Division / Laboratory / Research groupFaculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology Laboratory of Photochemistry and Optical Spectroscopy
Website https://joannaortyl.pl/; https://twitter.com/JoannaOrtyl; https://www.linkedin.com/in/joanna-ortyl-580a6288/; https://www.facebook.com/OrtylPhotoLab
Thematic area/fieldST – Physical Sciences and Engineering / ST5 Materials
Key wordsPhotopolymerization, photoinitiators, 3D printing, bio-printing, kinetic monitoring
Short summary of activities and expertiseOur main research areas focus on novel photoinitiators for polymerization of monomers, new accelerators for polymerization and photopolymerization processes, also 3D printing (3D SLA, 3D-DLP, 2PP, 3D printing), fluorescent probes for special applications and intelligent luminescent molecular sensors for selective detection in biochemistry and chemistry.
Role and profile of key persons (incl. supervisor)Joanna Ortyl is a Professor in the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology at Cracow University of Technology (Poland). She is also a CEO and Co-owner of Photo HiTech Ltd. She is an inventor on more than 30 patents, she has received more than 50 international and national awards for her research. She is a laureate of the Rector’s Award of the Cracow University of Technology for 2017, as well as a manager of scientific projects funded by the Foundation for Polish Science, the National Science Centre, or the National Centre for Research and Development (she was or is currently a manager of OPUS-NCN, OPUS LAP-NCN, Ventures-FNP, Sonata-NCN, Powroty-FNP, Lider-NCBiR, Team Tech-FNP, TANGO 2-NCBiR projects). She is a scientific supervisor of students and PhD students realizing their scientific projects such as Diamond Grant – MNiSW (3 projects), Prelude – NCN (4 projects).
Previous and current involvement in research and training programmesMSCA Innovative Training Networks (ITN) - Operation of Marie Skłodowska-Curie in the Horizon 2020 program - PHOTO-EMULSION project Contract number H2020‐MSCA‐ITN‐2017 The character of participation in the project: partner organization in the consortium and scientific supervisor of two Ph.D. students in cooperation with the Institut de Science des Matériaux de Mulhouse, France, and Max Planck Institute für Polymerforschung, Mainz, Germany ‐ Joanna Ortyl Subject: Towards Next‐generation Eco‐efficient PHOTO and EMULSION Polymerisations Imparting Synergy to Process, Products, and Applications Place of implementation: Institut de Science des Matériaux de Mulhouse, CNRS; Institut Charles Sadron, CNRS; POLYMAT, Universidad del Pais Vasco; Technische Universität Wien; Laboratory for Organic and Polymer Chemistry and Technology, Univerza Maribor; Karlsruher Institut für Technologie; Physikalisches Institute, Albert Ludwig Universität Freiburg; Max Planck Institute für Polymerforschung, Mainz; Photo HiTech Ltd. Project duration: 01 IV 2018‐ 30 IX 2022 Project implementation status: implemented Funds: 628680 Euro. TEAM-TECH Foundation for Polish Science- Contract number TEAM TECH/2016‐2 /15 The nature of participation in the project: the project manager and the main contractor ‐ Joanna Ortyl Place of implementation: Cracow University of Technology. Project implementation period: 01 III 2018‐30.09.2022 Project implementation status: Implemented Funds: 810766 Euro. INNOCHEM - National Center for Research and Development Contract number POIR.01.02.00‐00‐0038 /16‐00 The project under the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014‐2020, a priority I: SUPPORTING R & D WORK BY BUSINESSES, Measure 1.2: Sectoral R & D programs, sectoral program. The nature of participation in the project: the project manager from the consortium and the main contractor ‐ Joanna Ortyl Project duration: 01 IV. 2017‐ 31 III 2019 Project implementation status: Implemented Funds: 1257360 Euro.
Relevant publications and/or research/innovation productsWe can show you our the newest pubications: Development of the first panchromatic BODIPY-based one-component iodonium salts for initiating the photopolymerization processes, (Topa-Skwarczyńska M.; Galek M.; Jankowska M.; Morlet-Savary F.; Graff B.; Lalevée J.; Popielarz R.; Ortyl J.; Polymer Chemistry, 2021, 12, 6873-6893, https://doi.org/10.1039/D1PY01263K); Photoinitiating systems and kinetics of frontal photopolymerization processes – the prospects for efficient preparation of composites and thick 3D structures, (Petko F.; Świeży A.; Ortyl J. Polymer Chemistry 2021; 12, 4593. https://doi.org/10.1039/D1PY00596K); New horizons for carbon dots: quantum nano-photoinitiating catalysts for cationic photopolymerization and three-dimensional (3D) printing under visible light, (Tomal, W.; Świergosz, T.; Pilch, M.; Kasprzyk, W.; Ortyl, J. Polymer Chemistry, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1039/D1PY00228G); One-Component Cationic Photoinitiators from Tunable Benzylidene Scaffolds for 3D Printing Applications, (Petko F.; Galek M.; Hola E.; Popielarz R.; Ortyl J. Macromolecules 2021, 54, 7070. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.macromol.1c01048); One-component cationic photoinitiators based on coumarin scaffold iodonium salts as highly sensitive photoacid generators for 3D printing IPN photopolymers under visible LED sources. (Topa M.; Hola E.; Galek M.; Petko F.; Pilch M.; Popielarz R.; Morlet-Savary F.; Graff B.; Lalevée J.; Ortyl J. Polymer Chemistry, 2020, 11, 5261-5278. https://doi.org/10.1039/D0PY00677G)
Key research facilities, infrastructure, and equipmentFaculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Laboratory of Photochemistry and Optical Spectroscopy, 3D Printers Lumen X, Bio X, Olympus Microscope, Real time FT-IR, DSC, Rheometer and Raman spectrometer Anton-paar
Hosting arrangementsFaculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Laboratory of Photochemistry and Optical Spectroscopy, 3D Printers Lumen X, Bio X, Olympus Microscope, Real time FT-IR, DSC, Rheometer and Raman spectrometer Anton-paar
Key research facilities, infrastructure, and equipmentDespite of working at Cracow University of Technology we can also present our cooperation with our partners from abroad and Poland both: Istanbul Technical University, what can offer two graduate programs Chemistry and Polymer Science and Technology (in English). Also Université de Haute-Alsace, where we cooperate with Prof. Jacques Lalevée. In particular, the Institute aims to be a major player in the development of innovative methods and processes of synthesis, formatting and bio-functionalization. The Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC) is also a institution, with which we have international cooperation. It is the European Research Center for Life Science, Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology. The multi-departmental nature of CEITEC and the extent to which the fields of life sciences and advanced materials and technologies are integrated make it the first research centre of its kind in the Czech Republic. There we cooperate with Petr Lepcio, PhD, who will characterize the morphology and dispersion of nanoparticles in liquid and solid samples, perform photo-rheological investigations and supervise the publication efforts of the Czech team. Another important abroad partner is The Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry. That is an internationally recognised research and educational organisation in the field of synthetic polymers. Besides abroads cooperation we have also cooperations with polish universities like Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, where we colaborate with Grzegorz Pasternak, PhD and with Jagiellonian University. Besides universities we also have cooperations with companies like Photo4Chem, which carry out research and measurement services at research infrastructures on behalf of industrial clients and provide targeted expertise in many technological and scientific fields on a contractual basis. Another company is PhotoHiTech, what was established as a result of many years of research in the photoppolymerization process.
Intersectoral secondments options
Other benefitsIn addition to expanding our knowledge in the field of photochemistry, we can also provide participation in the development of national projects that can contribute to even greater development of the photoinitiator market. We can also provide participation in new publications and the applicability of the products obtained in cooperation with our partners.
Candidate sought The best candidate is the person, whose passion is photochemistry and want to develop skill in this area. Person, who has some knowledge about photionitiators and knows, how to synthetize them. Moreover is not afraid of organic chemistry. This offer is create for person, who likes optical spectroscopy and doesn’t afraid of working in young, committed team.
Have you hosted POLONEZ Fellows or MSCA IF Fellows before?no
Candidatures deadline 2022-12-10


First nameJoanna
Last nameOrtyl
Email jortyl@pk.edu.pl
Phone number