
How to reach out to the general public?

Podcasts, press publications, interviews, short videos or even cartoons – there are many ways to do outreach work. Get inspired by some examples of activities conducted by POLONEZ BIS Fellows. 

During the funding term each POLONEZ BIS Fellow must share the results of research with groups of the public who would not otherwise have access to them. This is done by means of a project website as well as during at least two outreach activities carried out by the Fellow and Host Institution. Outreach activities should promote public awareness and understanding of science e.g. public talks or discussions, visiting primary and secondary schools, conducting workshops for teachers or students up to the secondary level, participating in science fairs and festivals, making science resources and programs accessible to the general public.

Here are some ideas and examples of successful communication activities POLONEZ BIS Fellows have already carried out.

Write an article for the general press.

If writing is your strong suit, prepare an article for the local newspaper, magazine or online media outlet. Usually, you can easily find email address to editors-in-chief, or you can ask your Mentor or Host Institution to help you with getting in touch with journalists.

Recently our Fellows: dr Mieszko Wilk, dr Aleksandra Kubiak-Schneider and dr Sundar Rathnarajan had their bylines in Gazeta Wyborcza, Głos Szczeciński, Rzeczpospolita and PAP Science in Poland:





Join the podcast/radio programmes and tell people about your research and life in Poland.

There are countless science podcasts and most likely you can find one covering your research field. Some podcasts are focused on research but many have more of a lifestyle format. As you won’t talk much about the technical details of your research , both types of podcasts are fine as outreach activities.

Our Fellows dr Elena Popa and dr Ryder Patzuk-Russell already went on-air in two different podcasts:

Video clips, short documentaries and cartoons.

Making a video may not sounds like the easiest thing to do, but it’s worth checking if your Host Institution promotes scientists in this way. That’s how dr Sundar Rathnarajan spoke to camera about his research:

Thanks to videos you can also reach out to a very diverse audience as dr Jade Bajeot did with her cartoon:


Still not sure what outreach activities to carry out?

Consult with your Mentor and Host Institution – they may already have an outreach programme in place in which you could take part. You can also contact POLONEZ BIS institutional partner Polish Women Scientific Network that runs a blog allowing Fellows to post information about their research in a more informal setting: www.polonezbis.pl

Last but not least, keep in mind that outreach isn’t about you, it’s about your audience.