time flies so fast and we can’t believe that it is already summer in Poland! Here are some updates we would like to share before you start your holidays.
We are pleased to let you know that 132 researchers from all over the world have arrived in Poland and started their research projects. It means that all POLONEZ BIS projects have begun, and we have concluded another phase of the programme – signing funding agreements.
Over the next months, we will focus on promotion of projects and tell you about our scientists. Each of them has to conduct at least two outreach activities and the best examples have already been showcased on our LinkedIn profile. To learn more about Fellows visit the POLONEZ BIS Blog run by our institutional partner the Polish Women Scientists Network Foundation.
As always, we welcome all feedback, comments and suggestions of topics you’d like to see in future newsletters. Just give us a shout at polonez@ncn.gov.pl.
POLONEZ BIS has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement no 945339
@ National Science Centre, ul. Twardowskiego 16, 30-312 Kraków, polonez@ncn.gov.pl